
FireComm® is SCI’s advanced aircraft intercommunications system (ICS) designed to eliminate single point failures using a distributed processing architecture. FireComm is a low-cost, light-weight, flight-proven, digital communications solution for today’s modern rotary and fixed-wing platforms. It is a highly configurable, flexible system offering various control panel options. FireComm increases operator situational awareness and reduces pilot workload and task saturation by providing advanced voice warnings, static and dynamic 3-D audio, and voice command control capabilities.


To complement FireComm, SCI offers an Integrated Secure Wireless Intercommunication System (ISWICS). ISWICS is the only NSA certified TOP SECRET Full-Duplex Type 1 secure wireless system for communication. Designed with safety in mind, the ISWICS provides mobility by eliminating the long cord and increasing the aircrew’s freedom of movement in and around the aircraft. The FireComm and ISWICS solutions allow all crew members full access to the aircrafts interphone and transceiver assets. SCI is dedicated to ensuring FireComm remains the leader in airborne digital intercommunications.

  • FireComm provides unmatched Aircraft ICS capabilities including the only NSA certified TOP SECRET Full-Duplex Type 1 Secure Wireless Solution for voice and data
  • FireComm is TEMPEST certified
  • FireComm is Safety of Flight certified
  • FireComm is qualified to standards for military and commercial aviation
  • FireComm increases situational awareness with static and dynamic 3-D audio and voice command control capabilities

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